Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Boiled Corn With Mayo, Pepper Flakes & Oregano

My new favorite way to enjoy the corn on the cob this summer!!!

I've been so busy at work and spending too much time on social media, I have neglected my food blog! I hosted a BBQ lunch for one of my BFFs last weekend and she asked me why I haven't posted in a while but she keeps seeing my delicious and beautiful posting of food I prepare everyday on FB and Instagram. Well, I should get busy!!

Corn on the cob is ONE food I must have a lot of! I can live with just corn every day. There's so many ways to eat corn. I've been seeing a lot of dressed up corn lately on Instagram, I decided to make my own this week. I bought 10 ears of corn (5 for $2) from Safeway and cooked half of them today. As usual, I looked inside my pantry and just grabbed whatever I have to dress the corn. I also picked some fresh oregano from my herb garden.

The corn turned up SO GOOD - SO SWEET - SO BEAUTIFUL - SO YUMMY!


5 ears of corn, husks removed
1/4 cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons butter, softened
2 tablespoons oregano
1/4 teaspoon pepper flakes
Salt and pepper, to taste

Boil corn cobs on stove top and cook for 30 minutes. In a medium bowl, combine mayo, butter, oregano, pepper flakes, salt and pepper. Spread the butter over the corn cobs.

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